what is the meaning of Epiphora

I would like to know what is the meaning of “Epiphora” in English and what is the correct translation in Spanish?

I saw this term in a list of ethnobotanic uses.


Meaning of Epiphora
Epiphora is an overflow of tears onto the face. A clinical sign or condition that constitutes insufficient tear film drainage from the eyes in that tears will drain down the face rather than through the nasolacrimal system. – See link


Epiphora in Spanish is Epֳ­fora
El tֳ©rmino epֳ­fora se utiliza en oftalmologֳ­a para describir la existencia de lagrimeo continuo. – See link


More information about Epiphora in other websites
Definition of Epiphora in a medical dictionary (Thefreedictionary) – See link.
See the definition of Epiphora in the Oxford dictionaries – See link.
Search PubMed (US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health) for the term Epiphora – See link.
See if there is something in Youtube on the term Epiphora – See link.


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