what is the meaning of Coryza

I would like to know what is the meaning of “Coryza” in English and what is the correct translation in Spanish?

I saw this term in a list of ethnobotanic uses.


Meaning of Coryza
Rhinitis /raֹ×ֻˆnaֹ×tֹ×s/ or coryza is irritation and inflammation of the mucous membrane inside the nose. Common symptoms of rhinitis are a stuffy nose, runny nose, sneezing, and post-nasal drip. – See link


Coryza in Spanish is Rinitis
La rinitis es una inflamaciֳ³n del revestimiento mucoso de la nariz, caracterizada clֳ­nicamente por uno o mֳ¡s sֳ­ntomas: rinorrea, estornudo, prurito (picor) nasal, congestiֳ³n nasal, drenaje (secreciֳ³n) postnasal. – See link


More information about Coryza in other websites
Definition of Coryza in a medical dictionary (Thefreedictionary) – See link.
See the definition of Coryza in the Oxford dictionaries – See link.
Search PubMed (US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health) for the term Coryza – See link.
See if there is something in Youtube on the term Coryza – See link.


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