what is the internet code for Guernsey

Hello, I’m wondering if anyone can tell me what is the internet code for Guernsey?


the internet code for Guernsey is – “.gg”.


Information about .gg domains
There are estimated to be about 3,961 domains with .gg suffix (2014).
The Intended use for .gg domains is for entities connected with Guernsey.
Actual use: Gets some use in Guernsey, E-sports websites, ddg.gg.
The .gg internet code was Introduced in 1996.
The Sponsoring Organisation for .gg domains is “Island Networks Ltd.”.
Structure of .gg ccTLD: Registrations are directly at second level or under second level generic categories.
Registration restrictions of .gg domain: None.
Island Networks Ltd.’s contact details – See link.
For .gg domain registration click on the following link – See link.
For a whois search on .gg domains click on the following link – See link
You can see more details about the .gg ccTLD in Wikipedia – See link.


Internet website in Guernsey with .gg code (2014)
.gg code is used by less than 0.10% of all world’s websites.
Most popular websites with .gg domain


Internet ipaddress and mailsevers
IP Addresses: 40,874.
Mailservers: 216.



Search for .gg domains on google Guernsey – See link


Domain Count Statistics for TLDs – See link
Internet Users per Country – See link
Top level domain percentage – See link