Does anybody know what are the medicinal uses or any other ethnobotanical uses of Clematis drummondii?
If you know websites containing any information about Clematis drummondii please link to them.
Here is some basic information about Clematis drummondii and a list of ethnobotanical uses which includes medicinal uses and other uses of Clematis drummondii.
Clematis drummondii basic info
Scientific Name: Clematis drummondii Torr. & A. Gray.
Family: Ranunculaceae.
Genus: Clematis.
Common names in English: Texas virgin’s bower.
For common names of Clematis drummondii in different languages – See link
Description: Clematis drummondii, common names “Old Man’s Beard,” Texas virgin’s bower, and barba de chivato, is a white-flowered vine which occurs in Texas and other states of the Southwest. This species can be found clambering among other wildflowers. on shrubs and on fence rows in a variety of settings in Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, and northern Mexico. This area includes the Chihuahuan and Sonoran deserts as well as prairies and grasslands. The sap of this plant is caustic, although its foliage, stems, and roots can be used for dye if caution is used while handling and if breathing the fumes is avoided. – for more info about Clematis drummondii See link
Ethnobotanical and folk medicinal uses of Clematis drummondii
*The information in this list is based on the ethnobotanical data in Dr. Duke’s Phytochemical and Ethnobotanical Databases.
Dr. Duke does not recommend using this information for self diagnosis or self medication. – See link
Clematis drummondii in other websites
Clematis drummondii common names, economics importance, distributional range and more in the USDA GRIN website – See link.
Search PubMed (US National Library of Medicine National Institutes of Health) for academic researches with the search term Clematis drummondii – See link.
See if there is something in Youtube on the term Clematis drummondii – See link.