Category: Ethnobotany

  • Elaeis guineensis information

    Does anybody know what are the medicinal uses or any other ethnobotanical uses of Elaeis guineensis? If you know websites containing any information about Elaeis guineensis please link to them. Answer Here is some basic information about Elaeis guineensis and a list of ethnobotanical uses which includes medicinal uses and other uses of Elaeis guineensis.…

  • Dryopteris filix-mas information

    Does anybody know what are the medicinal uses or any other ethnobotanical uses of Dryopteris filix-mas? If you know websites containing any information about Dryopteris filix-mas please link to them. Answer I didn’t find in Dr. Duke’s database, any information about the uses of Dryopteris filix-mas Here is some basic information about Dryopteris filix-mas.  …

  • Dryopteris marginalis information

    Does anybody know what are the medicinal uses or any other ethnobotanical uses of Dryopteris marginalis? If you know websites containing any information about Dryopteris marginalis please link to them. Answer Here is some basic information about Dryopteris marginalis and a list of ethnobotanical uses which includes medicinal uses and other uses of Dryopteris marginalis.…

  • Duguetia staudtii information

    Does anybody know what are the medicinal uses or any other ethnobotanical uses of Duguetia staudtii? If you know websites containing any information about Duguetia staudtii please link to them. Answer I didn’t find in Dr. Duke’s database, any information about the uses of Duguetia staudtii Here is some basic information about Duguetia staudtii.  …

  • Dracocephalum moldavica information

    Does anybody know what are the medicinal uses or any other ethnobotanical uses of Dracocephalum moldavica? If you know websites containing any information about Dracocephalum moldavica please link to them. Answer Here is some basic information about Dracocephalum moldavica and a list of ethnobotanical uses which includes medicinal uses and other uses of Dracocephalum moldavica.…

  • Drosera rotundifolia information

    Does anybody know what are the medicinal uses or any other ethnobotanical uses of Drosera rotundifolia? If you know websites containing any information about Drosera rotundifolia please link to them. Answer Here is some basic information about Drosera rotundifolia and a list of ethnobotanical uses which includes medicinal uses and other uses of Drosera rotundifolia.…

  • Dryobalanops aromatica information

    Does anybody know what are the medicinal uses or any other ethnobotanical uses of Dryobalanops aromatica? If you know websites containing any information about Dryobalanops aromatica please link to them. Answer Here is some basic information about Dryobalanops aromatica and a list of ethnobotanical uses which includes medicinal uses and other uses of Dryobalanops aromatica.…

  • Dorstenia contrajerva information

    Does anybody know what are the medicinal uses or any other ethnobotanical uses of Dorstenia contrajerva? If you know websites containing any information about Dorstenia contrajerva please link to them. Answer Here is some basic information about Dorstenia contrajerva and a list of ethnobotanical uses which includes medicinal uses and other uses of Dorstenia contrajerva.…

  • Dracaena draco information

    Does anybody know what are the medicinal uses or any other ethnobotanical uses of Dracaena draco? If you know websites containing any information about Dracaena draco please link to them. Answer I didn’t find in Dr. Duke’s database, any information about the uses of Dracaena draco Here is some basic information about Dracaena draco.  …

  • Dolichandrone falcata information

    Does anybody know what are the medicinal uses or any other ethnobotanical uses of Dolichandrone falcata? If you know websites containing any information about Dolichandrone falcata please link to them. Answer Here is some basic information about Dolichandrone falcata and a list of ethnobotanical uses which includes medicinal uses and other uses of Dolichandrone falcata.…