Hi, Im looking for information about the national anthem of Netherlands.
Who wrote the Dutch national anthem (lyrics and music)?
When was the national anthem of Netherlands officially adopted?
Please add any valuable information like links to anthem’s mp3, video, lyrics, free sheet music etc.
The National anthem of Netherlands is “Het Wilhelmus” which means in English “The William”.
The lyrics to Netherlands’s national anthem were written by Philips VAN MARNIX van Sint Aldegonde (presumed).
The composer of “Het Wilhelmus” is unknown.
Adopted 1932, In Use Since The 17Th Century, Making It The Oldest National Anthem In The World; Also Known As “Wilhelmus Van Nassouwe” (William Of Nassau), It Is In The Form Of An Acrostic, Where The First Letter Of Each Stanza Spells The Name Of The Leader Of The Dutch Revolt.
National anthem of Netherlands free mp3 download
Press to download the mp3 file of Netherlands’s National anthem – See link (file source: cia world factbook).
Listen to Netherlands national anthem on Youtube
Dutch anthem lyrics (English translation)
First stanza
William of Nassau, scion
Of a Dutch and ancient line,
I dedicate undying
Faith to this land of mine.
A prince am I undaunted,
Of Orange, ever free,
To the king of Spain I’ve granted
A lifelong loyalty.
Second stanza
I’ve ever tried to live in
The fear of God’s command
And therefore I’ve been driven,
From people, home, and land,
But God, I trust, will rate me
His willing instrument
And one day reinstate me
Into my government.
Third stanza
Let no despair betray you,
My subjects true and good.
The Lord will surely stay you
Though now you are pursued.
He who would live devoutly
Must pray God day and night
To throw His power about me
As champion of your right.
Fourth stanza
Life and my all for others
I sacrificed, for you!
And my illustrious brothers
Proved their devotion too.
Count Adolf, more’s the pity,
Fell in the Frisian fray,
And in the eternal city
Awaits the judgement day.
Fifth stanza
I, nobly born, descended
From an imperial stock.
An empire’s prince, defended
(Braving the battle’s shock
Heroically and fearless
As pious Christian ought)
With my life’s blood the peerless
Gospel of God our Lord.
Sixth stanza
A shield and my reliance,
O God, Thou ever wert.
I’ll trust unto Thy guidance.
O leave me not ungirt.
That I may stay a pious
Servant of Thine for aye
And drive the plagues that try us
And tyranny away.
Seventh stanza
My God, I pray thee, save me
From all who do pursue
And threaten to enslave me,
Thy trusted servant true.
O Father, do not sanction
Their wicked, foul design,
Don’t let them wash their hands in
This guiltless blood of mine.
Eighth stanza
O David, thou soughtest shelter
From King Saul’s tyranny.
Even so I fled this welter
And many a lord with me.
But God the Lord did save him
From exile and its hell
And, in His mercy, gave him
A realm in Israel.
Ninth stanza
Fear not ‘t will rain sans ceasing
The clouds are bound to part.
I bide that sight so pleasing
Unto my princely heart,
Which is that I with honor
Encounter death in war,
And meet in heaven my Donor,
His faithful warrior.
Tenth stanza
Nothing so moves my pity
As seeing through these lands,
Field, village, town and city
Pillaged by roving hands.
O that the Spaniards rape thee,
My Netherlands so sweet,
The thought of that does grip me
Causing my heart to bleed.
Eleventh stanza
Astride on steed of mettle
I’ve waited with my host
The tyrant’s call to battle,
Who durst not do his boast.
For, near Maastricht ensconced,
He feared the force I wield.
My horsemen saw one bounce it
Bravely across the field.
Twelfth stanza
Surely, if God had willed it,
When that fierce tempest blew,
My power would have stilled it,
Or turned its blast from you
But He who dwells in heaven,
Whence all our blessings flow,
For which aye praise be given,
Did not desire it so.
Thirteenth stanza
Steadfast my heart remaineth
In my adversity
My princely courage straineth
All nerves to live and be.
I’ve prayed the Lord my Master
With fervid heart and tense
To save me from disaster
And prove my innocence.
Fourteenth stanza
Alas! my flock. To sever
Is hard on us. Farewell.
Your Shepherd wakes, wherever
Dispersed you may dwell,
Pray God that He may ease you.
His Gospel be your cure.
Walk in the steps of Jesus
This life will not endure.
Fifteenth stanza
Unto the Lord His power
I do confession make
That ne’er at any hour
Ill of the King I spake.
But unto God, the greatest
Of Majesties I owe
Obedience first and latest,
For Justice wills it so.
You can find more information about Dutch anthem on Wikipedia – See link.
Sheet Music: View the Dutch national anthem sheet music – See link.
Dutch national symbol: lion.
Conventional short form country name: Netherlands.
Conventional long form country name: Kingdom of the Netherlands.
Local short form country name: Nederland.
Local long form country name: Koninkrijk der Nederlanden.
Netherlands Government Type: constitutional monarchy.
Constitutional monarchy is a system of government in which a monarch is guided by a constitution whereby his/her rights, duties, and responsibilities are spelled out in written law or by custom.ֲ