Hi, Im looking for information about the national anthem of Switzerland.
Who wrote the Swiss national anthem (lyrics and music)?
When was the national anthem of Switzerland officially adopted?
Please add any valuable information like links to anthem’s mp3, video, lyrics, free sheet music etc.
The National anthem of Switzerland is “Schweizerpsalm” [German] “Cantique Suisse” [French] “Salmo svizzero,” [Italian] “Psalm svizzer” [Romansch] which means in English “Swiss Psalm”.
Switzerland’s anthem lyrics were written by Leonhard WIDMER [German], Charles CHATELANAT [French], Camillo VALSANGIACOMO [Italian], and Flurin CAMATHIAS [Romansch] and the music was written by Alberik ZWYSSIG.
Unofficially Adopted 1961, Official Adoption 1981; The Anthem Has Been Popular In A Number Of Swiss Cantons Since Its Composition (In German) In 1841; Translated Into The Other Three Official Languages Of The Country (French, Italian, And Romansch), It Is Official In Each Of Those Languages.
National anthem of Switzerland free mp3 download
Press to download the mp3 file of Switzerland’s National anthem – See link (file source: cia world factbook).
Listen to Switzerland national anthem on Youtube
Swiss anthem lyrics (English translation)
When the morning skies grow red
And o’er their radiance shed,
Thou, O Lord, appeareth in their light.
When the Alps glow bright with splendour,
Pray, free Swiss, Pray,
For you feel and understand,
For you feel and understand,
That he dwelleth in this land.
That he dwelleth in this land.
In the sunset Thou art nigh
And beyond the starry sky,
Thou, O loving Father, ever near
When to Heaven we are departing,
Joy and bliss Thou’lt be imparting,
For we feel and understand
For we feel and understand
That Thou dwellest in this land.
That Thou dwellest in this land.
When dark clouds enshroud the hills
And gray mist the valley fills,
Yet Thou art not hidden from Thy sons.
Pierce the gloom in which we cower
With Thy sunshine’s cleansing power
Then we’ll feel and understand
Then we’ll feel and understand
That God dwelleth in this land.
That God dwelleth in this land.
Towards us in the wild storm coming,
You yourself give us resistance and stronghold,
You, almighty ruling, rescuing!
During horror and nights of thunderstorms
Let us childlike trust Him!
Yes, we feel and understand;
Yes, we feel and understand;
That God dwelleth in this land.
That God dwelleth in this land.
You can find more information about Swiss anthem on Wikipedia – See link.
Sheet Music: View the Swiss national anthem sheet music – See link.
Swiss national symbol: Swiss cross (white cross on red field; arms equal length).
Conventional short form country name: Switzerland.
Conventional long form country name: Swiss Confederation.
Local short form country name: Schweiz (German); Suisse (French); Svizzera (Italian); Svizra (Romansh).
Local long form country name: Schweizerische Eidgenossenschaft (German); Confederation Suisse (French); Confederazione Svizzera (Italian); Confederaziun Svizra (Romansh).
Switzerland Government Type: formally a confederation but similar in structure to a federal republic.
Federal (Federation) is a form of government in which sovereign power is formally divided – usually by means of a constitution – between a central authority and a number of constituent regions (states, colonies, or provinces) so that each region retains some management of its internal affairs; differs from a confederacy in that the central government exerts influence directly upon both individuals as well as upon the regional units.ֲ